Version links
Every deployment on Tilda creates a new version of your application. These versions have a default URL that points to that specific deployment. These version URLs / links are created and managed by Tilda and provide a way for your team to test the deployment without adding custom domain names. The structure of these links is as follows:
https://[project slug]-[service slug]-[version number]
Persistent links
We're now adding a different kind of default link for application deployments: persistent links. These persistent links look like this:
https://[project slug]-[service slug]-[variant]
The important thing to note is that persistent links automatically point to the latest version in that service with that variant.
This really simplifies some workflows that require a static URL or domain name and will help with fast development without adding custom domain names.
What are Variants?
We're in the process of introducing a new way to have multiple versions of the same application in the form of variants. It's important to note that Variants in Tilda are not analogous to "stages" or "environments".
This is a new feature that is still being polished. We'll share more details in days to come. Stay tuned for updates